Migraine Plus

It's been a testy week as I've been migraining.  Was flattened by migraine on Sunday with a reprieve Monday day but it reared its ugly head Monday night. Treated it again to have a reprieve Tuesday afternoon until evening again. Another headache Wednesday night that turned into a migraine at 5am this morning. I've felt flat and exhausted since Sunday; I just want to lie down and sleep all the time. Some migraines don't make me sleepy - just cranky and irritable. Some I get the trifecta - sleepy, cranky AND irritable. 

I feel I can manage the migraines in themselves but its the extras that come along. An extra for me is the headache aftershocks I get, the constant sense of fatigue, and the stomach irritation due to taking too many Nurofen tablets. So I feel like I am through the woods and then my stomach starts to complain if I failed to take my stomach tablets religiously with the Nurofen. I miss things while I have the migraine pain and when its done I want to do the things building on my to do list, however, I feel hungover and unmotivated. A one day migraine can have a three or four day affect. 

What this means is a migraine that begins on Sunday morning is still having an impact Thursday day. It feels like this week will never end and I'm dragging myself around. But then, when I look around I discover I actually have managed to tackle some things despite how I've felt or the pain in my head and I remember how resilient I am and how much strength I have. 

Headache Australia sent out an email today reporting that the CGRP submission to the PBS scheme hasn't been effective. This means that people like me who have been able to get onto a three month trial will have to fund it themselves. That's a great idea until you realise that means $800 per month and then you have to start rationalise it. It has saved me a few days of migraine but if that is four less days per month then I'm spending $200 per day for a better outcome.  To have those days back have been amazing and it's a much better outcome than with Botox (had a horrible reaction to Botox both times) but how do I find that type of money to spend on yourself when it feels slightly inappropriate to be doing that? Let me know if you have any questions about the  CGRP's entering the market.